Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Do Make A Difference

Hey there, Mr. Eades! It's Ryan. Come on, you remember me, right? Ryan Farmacka?

It's been such a long time since I've seen or heard from you! For a long time now, I've wondered how you've been. It feels like it was yesterday that I was a part of the Chess Club back at Santa Rita... Wow, 5th Grade. It's hard to imagine that was 7 years ago. I still remember all the fun times I had that year with the 5th Grade students and teachers. From Rocket Day to Enrichment Week, I remember that year of Santa Rita as being my greatest year as a student...
Most of all, I remember you, Mr. Eades. You pushed me to do the things I loved to do, and to always put forth the necessary effort to achieve my goals. You inspired me, and I saw you as more than simply a teacher. You were truly a great friend. You recognized me as an individual, and helped me when I needed it... No relationship I have ever had with a teacher has ever been as meaningful as what I felt with you. It's hard to imagine, really, because I was never even a homeroom student of yours!
Before Santa Rita, though, I remember Holiman Elementary School. If memory serves, I believe that was actually the first place I ever met you... The first place I ever learned your name. It wasn't until I was transferred to Santa Rita, though, that I actually became "your student." It was the lessons I learned from you that have helped to guide me to where I am today, and now that I have found your email address, I wish to thank you. You're an inspiration, Mr. Eades... You showed me that the lessons a student can learn from a teacher are not restricted to classroom studies. A teacher can be a life mentor, and that's exactly how I see and remember you.
As I'm typing this email, I am almost a loss for words. What does a high school senior say to a man who has impacted his life in ways I cannot begin to describe, when he hasn't even seen the man for years and years? Well, I'm not entirely sure what the answer is to that question, so I guess I'll just try this...
I am now a student of Lake View High School. I am a member of the graduating class of 2011, and graduation is only about a week away. May 28th, 2011 is the big day... The day I walk the stage.
5:00 PM, San Angelo Coliseum, May 28th, 2011. 
But, there is more to it than that. That is the day that I'll be giving my speech!
I have been declared the valedictorian of the Lake View Class of 2011!
I know that large part of what got me here is your motivation, Mr. Eades. That is why I would be honored if you could attend the event. Please, come see your student speak. I want to show you what I've done, and who I've become, thanks to the lessons I learned from You, the "Greatest Teacher I Never Had!"
You are cordially invited to the event... I could not imagine a higher honor than to see you there.
Ryan Dale Farmacka

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