Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Technology Action Plan 2011

Technology Action Plan 2011
Ricky B. Eades
Lamar University
EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership - SP2 11 - EA1251

Organizational Chart

Technology Improvement
Person(s) Responsible
Roles and Responsibilities
Principal’s Role
Read 180 Software implemented for 6th grade at Lee Middle School. After noted success with both 7th and 8th grade and dramatic improvement on the 2010 TAKS test this is seen as an immediate technology need. The objective is for 6th grade reading to have a goal of 90% passing on the 2012 Reading Taks test.  The AEIS data indicates a shortcoming at this grade level at 84%.
Instructional Technologist: Laura Howard
Instructors: Jennifer Feck and Michelle Castro
The instructional technology department will install and maintain the Scholastic Read 180 software on 24 computers furnished by Lee Middle School. Further, the approximate 40 students served will be entered into the Read 180 database by no later than September 30th..The 6th grade Read 180 lab will be housed in Room 117 and the teachers will operate the lab in two blocks of two hours each.  The software will be integrated with GradeSpeed and allow Language Arts teachers to monitor progress.
The Principal will provide funding in September 2011 for purchase of Scholastic Read 180 software. The principal will also provide a hands on approach to monitor the progress of the program and supply rewards for students as they reach set goals.
The Lee Middle School Computers on Wheels or C.O.W.S.  will be completely refurbished in the Summer of 2011.  The keyboards will be replaced if needed and 2 megabytes of memory will be added to the 60 Dell Laptops.  The policy regarding the classroom use of the Lee C.O.W.S will be revised for ease of teacher workload and time constraints.
San Angelo ISD Computer Technologists:  Doris Wendlekin and Wendy Wimers
Campus Technology Committee and Teacher Technologists: Devina Varela, Ricky Eades, and Pete Grace
The district technologists will install new keyboards on approximately 26 of the 60 laptops available.  Additionally, a plastic protective cover will be installed over all keyboards to prevent the accidental damage to the delicate keys. The C.O.W.S. policy will be written by the Teacher Technologists.The new policy for using the C.O.W.S. in the 2011-2012 school years will not require teachers to individually assess each computer before use.  The students will be assigned a specific computer at first usage and will use this computer through out the school year. There will be approximately 5-6 students assigned to each computer throughout the year. The responsibility of computer condition will be passed onto the student.
The Principal will address the student body in August 2011 to explain the importance of responsibility in specific relation to the laptop computers. It will be stressed that the laptops are the students responsibility. 
The Lee Middle School campus will begin a televised to classroom Morning Show starting in August  2011 in compliance with the Campus Improvement Plan and the need stated for better communication.
Teacher/Technologists: Ricky Eades and Devina Varela
Network Specialist: Perry Roberts
With the completion of the Bond construction, the Lee campus will have the infrastructure in place for receiving cable television.  All classrooms will be equipped with flat screen televisions. The existing cable will become the media for transmitting a daily show to all classrooms.  The presentation of the show will take place in the newly constructed media room on campus. The show will be presented live, as well as, taped and posted on YouTube for later viewing by parents and the community.
The Principal will be the main focal point of the program as she talks with students, teachers, parents, and the community.  As the wishes are for the show to be student directed, the campus principal will be the facilitator.

Professional Development Planning

Professional Development Need
Description of Professional Development
The Expected Outcome After Completion of Activities
To relieve teacher frustrations due to fighting with technology without effective trouble-shooting guidelines as noted in the Campus Improvement Plan 2010.
Teachers at the Lee Campus will have the opportunity to attend bi-weekly classes in the following courses offered inside the newly built Lee Computer Lab. The courses include:
1. Install Network Printers Easily.
2. Easy and Trouble Free Use of My Interwrite Pad!
3. Clickers that Click and Without the Hassel.
4. My Document Camera is Useless!
5. Using the LCD Projector the Way I Want.
The courses are equipment based and will be conducted both before and after school for 45 minutes.  The courses will be repeated throughout the 2011-2012 school years and will be taught by teacher/technologists Devina Varela and Ricky Eades.  Teachers will sign up for the classes on Learning Curve and receive credit for their proficiency levels.
Teacher frustration levels will decrease and the use of possessed technology will increase.  Teachers will use their technology for uses other than administrative functions such as grades and attendance.  Student performance and achievement will increase as a direct result of teachers using their technology for direct student instruction.
The completion of Level 3 Teacher Technology Proficiency as outlined in the District Improvement Plan for 2010.
This development will require teachers to construct a lesson plan that is technology based. Laura Howard, Instructional Technologist will be the facilitator of the class.  The class requires no attendance and is online based.  The template for the requirement is located on the SAISD homepage.  This development requires teachers to submit student work and document the required TEKS.  Teachers must have this class completed by March 2012.
The classroom teacher will prove their proficiency in using the available technology to provide instruction for their students. The teacher will hopefully use this lesson template as a regular tool and not a onetime occurrence.  The teacher will discover that our 21st century learners require much more than textbook education.
The implementation of electronic and online resources such as Email, Cell Phones, Twitter, Face Book, and Blogs for communication purposes.
This will be a professional development that allows teachers the opportunity to propel their classroom communications into the 21st century. This class will be offered three times throughout the 2011-2012 school years and taught by Teacher/Technologists Devina Varela and Ricky Eades.  Teachers will be given and instructed on how to communicate with parents electronically.  The classes will guide teachers on setting up classroom Twitter, Face Book, and Blogs for daily communications. The use of Groups via Group Me will demonstrate the use of instant mass communication through text messaging.
Both parents and stakeholders will feel well informed of the operations inside the classroom. The need for traditional paperwork going home with the student will be drastically diminished.  A virtual relationship will be established that is extremely advantageous for the busy lives of all stakeholders.

Evaluation Planning

Assessment or Evaluation Tool
Purpose of Tool
Expectations or Outcomes
Texas 2011 STaR Chart
This is an assessment to measure the technology progress of a campus and district. The chart is completed by Texas educators yearly and the results posted by the end of each school year.  The chart places a campus in one of the following categories:
Early Tech
Developing Tech
Advanced Tech
Target Tech
The expectation is for Lee Middle School to, at a minimum, advance to the Developing Tech category.  Our focus for the 2011-2012 school years is centered on Teaching & Learning and Educator Preparation and Development.  These are our two weakest areas.  The professional development opportunities within the action plan will dissolve these short comings.  Also, staff will be educated on the importance of the STaR Chart and accuracy in honest completion is essential.
AEIS 2011 Data
This assessment is directly related to student performance and steers the direction of a campus.  The data indicates both the strengths and weaknesses of a campus in math, reading, writing, social studies, and science.  Crucial and important decisions are based upon the information provided.
The Lee Middle School Campus Improvement Plan 2010 has set definite achievement goals for 2011.  The reading and math scores are set at an achievable 90%, as well as, science and social studies.  Based upon the outcomes of the 2011 TAKS test will be the future plans for both professional development and technology needs.  We anticipate the professional development listed in this action plan will propel the school to exemplary.
Online Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Assessment
This assessment will allow teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of in school professional developments and with the anonymity of honesty. Teachers will use online Google Spreadsheets to give input to the program.
The online method will allow stakeholders the courtesy of honest feedback and the opportunity for instructors to evaluate the effectiveness of the professional development. An example can be found at
Future professional developments and decisions about direction will be planned based upon the results of the teacher surveys.

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