Friday, October 15, 2010

Research Ideas-Purpose And Significance

Purpose And Significance Research Ideas

Purpose #1
The bullying issues at middle schools are a constant concern to everyone. The uninvited behaviors are not diminishing to any great extent. The purpose of this research would be to ask why school bullying is still rampant and the problem is growing instead of dwindling. My immediated plan is to gather data from middle school personel on the number of reported bullying cases. These reports will be both analyzed and classified into groups. The consequences or punishments given to the bully will also be considered.

Significance #1The benefit of this inquiry will effect school safety. The wish is for the school family including leaders, teachers, students, and parents to have a feeling of security. The main benefactor would be the individual students who feel unsafe or afraid at school. The reversal of these emotions would orchestrate less absenteism, higher student performance, and overall happiness.

Purpose #2
How to decrease the ever increasing number of office referrals on a school campus. The purpose of this inquiry will be to gather data on the number of referrals given for misconduct on a yearly basis. The research will also study the time of day and days of the week that the highest percentage of office referrals are written. The data can be segregated and a possible hypothesis formed.

Significance #2
The importance of this study would be to increase student performance by decreasing the amount of time the student spends in the referral office. When the student is outside the classroom learning is not taking place. Thie findings of this inquiry could possibly also benefit the entire school if the data provides us with any type of pattern. Perhaps a new discipline management concept could be put in place.

Purpose #3
This purpose will concern the placement of middle school students in summer school. Each and every year hundreds of students attend summer school from 6th - 8th grade. This research will study the effects of this program. The summer students will be tracked to obtain data as to whether progress is noted the next school year. Also, data will be gathered to see if the same students are repeating summer school from year to year. The overall usefullness of the program will be examined.

Significance #3
The summer school program is a fairly costly endeavor. The resulting conclusions could possibly enhance the significance of this education. It could also prove to be underachieving in its' purpose. The person receiving the most benefit from the inquiry would be giving the student the chance to be successful their next school year. The teacher also gains from having a student well prepared for subject curriculum.

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