Saturday, October 23, 2010

Action Plan Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: To decrease the number of student office referrals and increase student performance.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Target the Lee Middle School 7th grade office referrals. Desegregate the data according to:

Student Gender
At Risk
Limited English Proficiency
Learning Disabled
Regular Education
Gifted and Talented
Month of Year
Day of Week
Time Of Day
The Infraction

Ricky B. Eades
Jay Law
October 25th/ November 23rd
The Lee Middle School Online Referral System
The data will be analyzed and the results posted here once the process is complete.
Create a committee of administrators, teachers, parents, and students to discuss the results of the gathered data.

Ricky B. Eades
Elaine Stribling
Jay Law
November 29th/ December 17th
The Lee Middle School Site Based Decision Committee. The Lee Middle School PTO and the Lee Middle School Safe School Ambassadors.
The committee will evaluate and discuss possible solutions to the problem.  The evaluation will be posted upon completion.
The further development and enhancement of a school wide discipline management system that promotes the success of all students. The Out Of School Placement Program will receive modifications.

Ricky B. Eades
Elaine Stribling
Jay Law
Diana Day
Steve Gill
January 3rd/ May 15th  
Diana Day’s Vision Management Program.
The comparison of student referrals and TAKS scores will be evaluated.


  1. Ricky,
    I wish you did not have to abandon this study.....although, I certainly understand your situation. I too, have had to change my action plan quite a bit from the original due to circumstances out of my control. Good Luck!
    Amy Ahmad

  2. Ricky, this appears to be an important issue at your school so hopefully you will be able to continue this project. I recently had to review referrals and out of school suspension in regards to looking at TAKS performance and evaluated if they had any impact on student TAKS scores. The outcome was no they did not but this might be something you want to look at as well since state assessments are used as indicators of student success. Also you may want to get feedback from the teachers through possibly a survey or questionnaire concerning what is thier feelings toward the school's discipline policy and how can it be improved on. This could be done all online with little interruption to their busy day. The use of the Delphi method.
    Dorothy Wendorf
